I have a really praiseworthy story of how God works in mysterious ways. I’m still in awe. I was wondering over the weekend what to write in this section that would be meaningful for the holiday season. So, I get a text from a caregiver on Sunday afternoon asking me to bring some timesheets to our interview on Monday. Why would he need a time sheet for an interview? Did not make sense to me. It was only an interview. But then I realized I forgot to pick up some new copies of the time sheets that I had printed a couple days prior. So I get to the store and a nice well dressed lady was standing in front of me getting copies made of a poem. The employee of OfficeMax told her it was a nice poem and she mentioned that it was written by her 98 yr. old mother that writes a new poem every Christmas. Wow! I thought to myself. That could go in my newsletter and website since it was written by a senior and it relates to the reason for the season. She gladly gave me a copy and now I get to share it with you. Praise God for the timing of how I got the poem. God really did provide this meaningful message for you.
It’s Christmas!
Christmas brought the Christ to earth. To a world of sin and woe. Where man did strive but could not earn. The Gift God’s Love did bestow! Praise God for the Good News. That man can seek Him still. Can seek, as in days of old, His forgiveness and His will!
O Blessed Christmas,
Helen Pace, Aurora, IL (98)